Monday, July 18, 2011

Matthew Monday!

Here we go again! Matthew Monday....

Matthew 7:7-12

-Ask and it will be given to you.
-Seek and you will find.
-Knock and the door will be answered
-For everyone:
-Who asks, receives
-Seeks will find
-Knocks, the door will be opened
-Who will give a stone instead of bread?
-Who will give a snake instead of fish?
-If you, who are evil, give good gifts to your children who do you think God is doing?
-So in everything you do, do things that you would like and how you would like to be treated.

So what:
-The real words in Greek for knock, seek and ask are implied to be CONSTANT
-Persistent prayer is being emphasized
-Jesus is urging boldness and constant prayer
-God assuring us He answers prayers (yes, no, not now)
-"Good gifts" = spiritual gifts
-The work of the spirit is one of the best and greatest gifts God has given us
-Don't bargain with God....ask what you need!

Now what:
-I need to be more direct in my prayers
-I need to be CONSTANTLY in prayer
-My prayers need to be bigger. God is a big God who does BIG things. I need to be a BIG prayer warrior.
-I need to continue to learn how much to Holy Spirit is a gift.

Thank you for coming to this earth and dying for my sins. Thank you for making it possible to have a relationship with God, in which I can ask, seek and knock, and I know He is listening. Lord Jesus I ask you continue to fill and transform my heart, for I now, that is one of the biggest prayers I can ask. I love you Jesus.

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