But for today's post...my fav. outfit! That was hard, I feel like my fav. outfit changes with what my mood is and what it looks like outside. So I am giving you two of my fav. outfits...one normal and one ru
Normal outfit: H&M tights, Nord Rack leggings, Jessica Simpson boots, Target white tank, Nord boyfriend tee, Nord black cardi thingy (technical term), black scarf from Siena, new necklace from Nord and my famous $8 watch (pretend it is actually on in this picture)!
I love, love, love this outfit right now because the boots keep me warm, you don't see skin, but I still feel put together and I can pretty much wear it anywhere.
Running ou
tfit: Nike tempo running shorts, black Target running tank, KB socks, OLD Nike runners (this pic was taken two summers ago...yes I still wear the shorts, tank and hat!) and Super Jock n Jill hat.
I love this outfit almost solely because when I wear it I know it is HOT HOT HOT outside! So basically I get to wear this running outfit once a year. I can't wear the tank for longer then 5 miles though...underarm chaffing...no good.
Thank you Jesus for the doctors, nurses and people that took care of me for the last couple days. Thank you Jesus for making your presence known and controlling the situation. Thank you for our dear visitors last night, they made it all bearable. Lord as I continue on this journey I pray you make your plan known and that I have a content heart with the path I am following you on. I love you Jesus!
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